デビッド・ギルモアの「Rattle That Lock Tour」より2016年3月にロス・アンゼンルス近郊で行われた3公演を、いずれも極上音質のオリジナル音源にて収録した数量限定アイテムが入荷。XAVELレーベルのお家芸であるマルチIEMマトリクス技術を駆使し、ステレオ・サウンドボード音源と同等のクオリティまで音質を引き上げた超力作!年経ても変わらぬギルモアの素晴らしいギター・トーンとプレイに加えてバンドの演奏の素晴らしさ、ピンク・フロイドの名曲は当然として、さらにソロ楽曲のクオリティの高さ、そして米国ならではの熱狂的な会場の盛り上がり、全ての要素が作り上げる最高のライブを、XAVELレーベルが現地まで赴き収録し仕上げたファン垂涎の極上音質盤!ファン必聴の一枚!
◆Hollywood Bowl, Hollywood, CA, USA 24th March 2016 [Multiple IEM Sources + Audience Source = Matrix Recording] XAVEL-SMS-066
(Disc 1) -1st set- 01. Opening S.E. 02. 5 A.M. 03. Rattle That Lock 04. Faces of Stone 05. Wish You Were Here 06. A Boat Lies Waiting 07. The Blue (with David Crosby) 08. Money 09. Us and Them 10. In Any Tongue 11. High Hopes
(Disc 2) -2nd set- 01. Astronomy Domine 02. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I-V) 03. Fat Old Sun 04. Coming Back to Life 05. On an Island (with David Crosby) 06. Band Introduction 07. The Girl in the Yellow Dress
(Disc 3) 01. Today 02. Sorrow 03. Run Like Hell Encore: 04. Time 05. Breathe (Reprise) 06. Comfortably Numb (with David Crosby)
◆Hollywood Bowl, Hollywood, CA, USA 25th March 2016 [Multiple IEM Sources + Audience Source = Matrix Recording] XAVEL-SMS-067
(Disc 1) 01. Opening S.E. 02. 5 A.M. 03. Rattle That Lock 04. Faces of Stone 05. Wish You Were Here 06. What Do You Want From Me 07. A Boat Lies Waiting 08. The Blue 09. Money 10. Us and Them 11. In Any Tongue 12. High Hopes 13. Astronomy Domine
(Disc 2) 01. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I-V) 02. Fat Old Sun 03. Coming Back to Life 04. Band Introduction 05. The Girl in the Yellow Dress 06. Today 07. Sorrow 08. Run Like Hell Encore: 09. Time 10. Breathe (Reprise) 11. Comfortably Numb
◆The Forum, Inglewood, CA, USA 27th March 2016 [Multiple IEM Sources + Audience Source = Matrix Recording] XAVEL-SMS-068
(Disc 1) -1st set- 01. Opening S.E. 02. 5 A.M. 03. Rattle That Lock 04. Faces of Stone 05. Wish You Were Here 06. What Do You Want From Me 07. A Boat Lies Waiting 08. The Blue 09. Money 10. Us and Them 11. In Any Tongue 12. High Hopes -2nd set- 13. Astronomy Domine
(Disc 2) 01. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I-V) 02. Fat Old Sun 03. Coming Back to Life 04. Band Introduction 05. The Girl in the Yellow Dress 06. Today 07. Sorrow 08. Run Like Hell Encore: 09. Time 10. Breathe (Reprise) 11. Comfortably Numb