Noel Gallager's High Flying Birdsの2015年来日ツアーより、4/15、16と2DAYSで行われた日本武道館公演をプレスCD4枚とプレスDVD2枚に完全収録。前回の来日公演から3年、さらにパワーアップして戻ってきたOASISのアニキことノエル・ギャラガーによるパーフェクトなロック・ショウをパーフェクトなサウンド・バランスのマルチIEMマトリクス音源にて収録したのが当アイテムです。バンドメンバーがステージ上にて使用する複数のバランスの異なるIEMソースを丁寧にミックスする事により、ステレオ・サウンドボードさながらの高音質を実現。本編終了後にはライブ開始前に行われたサウンドチェック・リハーサルも収録されており、まさに至れり尽くせりの珠玉のアイテム。さらに音だけではなく、このライブを超ハイクオリティなオーディエンス映像にて収録したプレスDVDまで付属してしまう、まさしく決定盤というほか無い究極の来日公演アイテムなのです!当時は2CD+DVD、ホログラムジャケット・日本語帯付きという仕様で発売されていた二つのアイテムを一つにまとめた限定アイテム。この機会に是非ともお楽しみください!
"Shine The Light -2015 Budokan 1st Night-" XAVEL-Silver Masterpiece Series-043
◆Live at Nippon Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 15th April 2015 [Multiple IEM Sources + EX-Audience Source (Original MK4 Master) = Matrix Recording]
(CD 1)
01. Opening 02. Intro (Shoot a Hole Into the Sun) 03. Do the Damage 04. (Stranded On) The Wrong Beach 05. Everybody's on the Run 06. Fade Away 07. In the Heat of the Moment 08. Lock All the Doors 09. Riverman 10. The Death of You and Me 11. You Know We Can't Go Back 12. Champagne Supernova 13. Ballad of the Mighty I 14. Dream On 15. The Dying of the Light 16. The Mexican 17. AKA... Broken Arrow
(CD 2)
01. Digsy's Dinner 02. Don't Look Back in Anger Encore; 03. If I Had a Gun... 04. AKA... What a Life! 05. The Masterplan 06. Closing
Bonus Tracks; Soundcheck at Nippon Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 15th April 2015
07. The Death of You and Me (Instrumental) / Band Jam 08. Do the Damage 09. Riverman 10. Everybody's on the Run 11. The Mexican 12. The Dying of the Light 13. You Know We Can't Go Back 14. In the Heat of the Moment (Instrumental) 15. Don't Look Back in Anger
(DVD) (97min. Multi-Cam. Audience-Master)
01. Opening 02. Intro (Shoot a Hole Into the Sun) 03. Do the Damage 04. (Stranded On) The Wrong Beach 05. Everybody's on the Run 06. Fade Away 07. In the Heat of the Moment 08. Lock All the Doors 09. Riverman 10. The Death of You and Me 11. You Know We Can't Go Back 12. Champagne Supernova 13. Ballad of the Mighty I 14. Dream On 15. The Dying of the Light 16. The Mexican 17. AKA... Broken Arrow 18. Digsy's Dinner 19. Don't Look Back in Anger Encore; 20. If I Had a Gun... 21. AKA... What a Life! 22. The Masterplan 23. Closing
"Catch The Sun -2015 Budokan 2nd Night-" XAVEL-Silver Masterpiece Series-044
◆Live at Nippon Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 16th April 2015 [Multiple IEM Sources + EX-Audience Source (Original MK4 Master) = Matrix Recording]
(Disc 1)
01. Opening 02. Intro (Shoot a Hole Into the Sun) 03. Do the Damage 04. (Stranded On) The Wrong Beach 05. Everybody's on the Run 06. Fade Away 07. In the Heat of the Moment 08. Lock All the Doors 09. Riverman 10. The Death of You and Me 11. You Know We Can't Go Back 12. Champagne Supernova 13. Ballad of the Mighty I 14. Dream On 15. The Dying of the Light 16. The Mexican 17. AKA... Broken Arrow 18. Digsy's Dinner
(Disc 2)
01. Don't Look Back in Anger Encore; 02. If I Had a Gun... 03. AKA... What a Life! 04. The Masterplan 05. Closing
Bonus Tracks; Soundcheck at Nippon Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 16th April 2015
06. Dream On (Instrumental) 07. The Death of You and Me (Instrumental) 08. Band Jam 09. Do the Damage 10. Riverman 11. Everybody's on the Run 12. The Mexican 13. The Dying of the Light 14. You Know We Can't Go Back 15. In the Heat of the Moment (Instrumental) 16. Don't Look Back in Anger
(DVD) (101min. Multi-Cam. Audience-Master)
01. Opening 02. Intro (Shoot a Hole Into the Sun) 03. Do the Damage 04. (Stranded On) The Wrong Beach 05. Everybody's on the Run 06. Fade Away 07. In the Heat of the Moment 08. Lock All the Doors 09. Riverman 10. The Death of You and Me 11. You Know We Can't Go Back 12. Champagne Supernova 13. Ballad of the Mighty I 14. Dream On 15. The Dying of the Light 16. The Mexican 17. AKA... Broken Arrow 18. Digsy's Dinner 19. Don't Look Back in Anger Encore; 20. If I Had a Gun... 21. AKA... What a Life! 22. The Masterplan 23. Closing